Monday, February 8, 2010

The Rainbow Nebula

I just did this all by myself while my brother was finishing his dinner. It is of outer space, we read about nebulas today and so I thought that I should draw one, but my nebula has a rainbow and an apple tree with green, red, and yellow apples. And if you look really hard you can see earth... that is where I live.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tina the Cricket

Crickets moved into our home. I named one Tina. She is kind of like my pet. Did you know crickets don't bite?

Well anyway, I was eating oatmeal at the table and looking outside the window. There was a small bird sitting on the wall. He flew away but I know he always comes back.

The cricket wanted to be his friend and that made made my little brother happy. The cricket was happy that my brother was happy she was happy. When the bird came back the cricket and the bird started to play hopscotch. The cricket hopped very far ~ she is a very good jumper!

Then a bunny rabbit came and said, "Can I play hopscotch? I am a very good hopper!"

Then a horse came for me to take a horseback ride, and the cricket said, "I will be right back bunny rabbit and bird. I am going to ride the horse with Bella, But after awhile the cricket got hungry and went to eat some lettuce that was growing wild in the backyard. Then he ate it all up. But then he wanted some more so I gave him some from out of the kitchen. Mom was not very happy about that because he ate it all up! But he still wanted more and more and more! So we went to the store and bought some more and he ate until his belly was full. Then he fell asleep.


I am going to get a dog one day. And I really would rather have a dog than a cricket, the cricket is a bug and jumps all over the place... it kind of freaks me out.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Princess Kella and the Frog

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Kella. And Kella wanted to find a prince but she found a frog instead. The frog said that he was a prince, and if she could just look pass his green skin she would see the prince within.

Kella asked, "Are you really a prince?"

The frog said, "Yes! And if you kiss me I will become a human again."

Kella said, "Ok."

So princess Kella kissed the green frog and he turned into a prince. Then he asked her to marry him because she saw the true person he was inside. Then they lived happily ever after.

I just love princess stories... they are my most favorite ever!

Monday, October 19, 2009

girl climbing tree

Once upon a time, there was a little girl climbing a big tree. It was the biggest tree she had ever seen. She was not sure if she could climb such a big tree but she just had to try. She reached up to grab a big branch and then she pulled herself up. She did this again and again and again. And then she saw a little green frog as she was climbing up the tree. It was a tree frog from Brazil.

The frog said, "Hello little girl, I have lost my way home and need to get back to Brazil. My home is in the rain forest in Brazil."

And then the little girl said, " Don't worry little green frog, I will tell you how to get there." The little girl climbed up to the top of the tree with the little green frog sitting on her head. The little girl pointed south and said, " just keeping going that way and you will find you way home."

The little frog was so happy and he said, " Thank you!"

The little girl said, "Your welcome."

Then the frog hopped south to Brazil.

I learned about the rain forest today. It has a lot of trees.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Girl at the Zoo

Once upon at time there was a little girl who went to the zoo. This little girl could spell the word "zoo". Whenever someone asked her how to spell it she would say, " Z-O-O!" as loud as she could.

But one day she was walking around the zoo by a sleeping giraffe next to a sleeping zebra, when someone asked her how to spell "zoo". The little girl opened her mouth as big as could could a yelled , " Z-O-O!!!" She said it so loud that she woke up the giraffe and the zebra. They began to run around...and around...and around... and around in circles until they got too dizzy to stand up. The little girl said, " I'm sorry giraffe and zebra, it was not very nice of me to yell while you were sleeping."

From that day on the little girl never yelled when someone was trying to sleep. The End
I have to learn to be more quiet when my baby brother is sleeping

Girl Walking Dog

Once upon a time there was a little girl who asked her mom if she could walk the dog at the park all by herself. Her mommy said, " Yes, but be careful because that dog likes to run!"

So she went and got the dog's leash, put it on the dog, yelled, " good bye" to her mom and dad, then she walked out the door.

She was walking the dog in the park when the dog saw a bird. The dog started chasing the bird... pulling the girl along. The girl tried to get the dog to stop, so she got some treats out of her pocket and the dog stopped to eat them. After they played at the park, she able to walk her bichon frise home slowly. The End

I love bichon frise dogs, I am going to get one someday.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Girl on a Glider

Once upon a time, there was a little girl flying on a glider. After she flew a long way, the little girl started to get tired. She wanted to go home but couldn't remember how to get there. And then, she looked down and saw her dad. He was waving from his own glider. He caught up to her and showed her how to get home. They flew home together. The End

I drew most of this picture like the glider and made up the story. Mommy helped me a little and did the typing. Thanks mom!